As we are "the land of ban", we should ban every article that is written with some ill-informed journalist, talking about things that does not seem to know, from a place where everything that comes from their peripheries sound like an attack to the sacred unity of the (ex-)empire.
It seems very difficult to understand how we, Catalans, can continue to be annexed to such totalitarian way of thinking. Do you tolerate diversity? Democracy? Freedom of choice? If not, then, we, Catalans, better leave this and become an independent Nation. Yes, I said Nation. The same word that has been forbidden (hmmm, were we -Catalonia- the land of ban?) from an already meager Charter, something that was written by our representatives elected democratically, and then, was voted by our people -Catalans, of course-, and later endorsed by the Spanish Parliament -another elected organ- but what several judges -not voted in any election, cut and interpreted following Franco's frameworks. The same judges who have inserted up to fourteen times "Spain in the only sovereign nation in Spain". Fourteen times! Do they think Catalans are idiots?
To this, I answer that Catalans are not idiots, and that we shall become independent in the near future. Due to, and among other reasons, this type of reactions from the Spanish cavern. As follows, ability to not tolerate diversity, ability to plunder some €60M/day from Catalonia, lack in investments for infrastructure, magnificent and extraordinary waiting lists in the Health Service, lack of investment in Education, discrimination against Catalonia's own language in our own land. And I leave a few more.
Perhaps we are not "the land of ban" more than others try to ban us from existing. At the end of the day, our bans, like the ban on burkhas is made to protect women from that barbaric tradition of having to cover their faces "in the name of God", and the ban on bullfighting to extend the protection of animals to bulls too.
One recommendation to your journalist, do not come to Catalonia, perhaps you will be next one to be banned from entering. Or maybe we shall perform one last "corrida" using him as the object of fun, parody and ridiculous. Drugging him, sawing his horns and severing his neck ligaments prior to being teased, hooked, stabbed and finally dragged along the ring, while his killer waves his ears and perhaps his tail to the public. Would you prefer the "corrida" be banned then?
Jordi Margalef
Catalunya Acció UK
The full article can be seen by clicking on the following link
It seems very difficult to understand how we, Catalans, can continue to be annexed to such totalitarian way of thinking. Do you tolerate diversity? Democracy? Freedom of choice? If not, then, we, Catalans, better leave this and become an independent Nation. Yes, I said Nation. The same word that has been forbidden (hmmm, were we -Catalonia- the land of ban?) from an already meager Charter, something that was written by our representatives elected democratically, and then, was voted by our people -Catalans, of course-, and later endorsed by the Spanish Parliament -another elected organ- but what several judges -not voted in any election, cut and interpreted following Franco's frameworks. The same judges who have inserted up to fourteen times "Spain in the only sovereign nation in Spain". Fourteen times! Do they think Catalans are idiots?
To this, I answer that Catalans are not idiots, and that we shall become independent in the near future. Due to, and among other reasons, this type of reactions from the Spanish cavern. As follows, ability to not tolerate diversity, ability to plunder some €60M/day from Catalonia, lack in investments for infrastructure, magnificent and extraordinary waiting lists in the Health Service, lack of investment in Education, discrimination against Catalonia's own language in our own land. And I leave a few more.
Perhaps we are not "the land of ban" more than others try to ban us from existing. At the end of the day, our bans, like the ban on burkhas is made to protect women from that barbaric tradition of having to cover their faces "in the name of God", and the ban on bullfighting to extend the protection of animals to bulls too.
One recommendation to your journalist, do not come to Catalonia, perhaps you will be next one to be banned from entering. Or maybe we shall perform one last "corrida" using him as the object of fun, parody and ridiculous. Drugging him, sawing his horns and severing his neck ligaments prior to being teased, hooked, stabbed and finally dragged along the ring, while his killer waves his ears and perhaps his tail to the public. Would you prefer the "corrida" be banned then?
Jordi Margalef
Catalunya Acció UK
The full article can be seen by clicking on the following link